News Team

News Editor

Ariana Gonzalez;

Ariana is a Journalism and Political Science double major in her third year of college. She has hosted several shows in WMUA, starting her first semester of freshman year. She enjoys listening to lots of music and discovering new artists. In her spare time she likes to play guitar and the bass. If you have any questions about how to get started on news please reach out through email!

Office hours:
M/W: 12-2pm

News Operator

Lyvia Migliaccio;

Lyvia is a sophomore Communication and English double major pursuing a certificate in film. She’s been a part of WMUA for the past year as a member of the news team, and co-hosts the show Too Stu alongside her friend Colby. Lyvia enjoys reading, writing poetry and short stories, listening to cool music, and watching movies! If you have any questions, interest in news, or just want to talk, you can reach her through her email!

Office hours:
Tu/Th: 2:30-4, Fr: 3-4

Flynn Fatur;

Flynn Fatur is a freshman Economics and Journalism major who is excited to be a part of WMUA. His journalistic interests are focused on politics, business, and social awareness. Outside of the studio, he enjoys painting, birdwatching, collecting classic and alternative rock CDs, and seeing live music with friends. Feel free to reach out to him by email at

Eva Fuss;

Eva Fuss is a freshman Journalism major who is in their first year of WMUA. They are currently pursuing photojournalism, with specific interests in capturing live music and events. Outside of radio and journalism, Eva enjoys going to concerts, being a barista, and collecting vinyl records and cds. Feel free to reach out for photos or other questions at